POV-Ray is a powerful, freeware raytracer. You can get more info at the official povray support site: http://www.povray.org
One of Framsticks modules can create scene files for use with POV-Ray.
It gives you the possibility to view photorealistic pictures and movies from
your creatures' artificial world.
(click on the picture to get full size view)
Those scenes use two POV-Ray's include files: "alife.inc" and "alife2.inc". POV-Ray needs those files, so you have to make them accesible (e.g. copy them to your POV-Ray include directory).
How it works: (see also povray-parameters)
After the export is activated, simulator writes world.inc file in the selected directory (this file contains all static objects in simulator: the ground, the sky, the light etc.). Then, after each N frames (adjustable in parameters: Skip frames), a scene file is written. Every scene file #includes "world.inc". If POV-Ray has troble accessing "world.inc", try starting it from export directory (or add this directory to POV-Ray's search path)